Foot Health 101


At Park 56 Podiatry we want our patients to be proactive about the health of their feet. Your feet are the foundation of your body. Most days we take them for granted, but healthy feet are what enable you to stand, walk, run, work, shop and do most every other activity. There is much you can do to keep your feet fully functioning and prevent podiatric disorders.

Wear Good Shoes

Shoes that are well-made and fit properly are an essential component of maintaining the health of your feet. Get your feet professionally measured. Don’t be surprised if one foot is larger than the other. Always buy shoes to accommodate the larger foot. Choose footwear styles with these features:

  • Roomy toe box (you should be able to freely wiggle all your toes)

  • Heel heights of two inches or less, but not completely flat

  • Good arch support

  • Cushioned insole and heel cup

Your shoe choice can minimize your risk of bunions, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis and other foot problems.

Follow a Foot Care Regimen

Washing your feet daily with warm, soapy water and drying feet completely can go a long way toward preventing bacterial and viral infections like athlete’s foot. Apply a talcum or anti-fungal powder in the morning and a thick moisturizer at night. Keep nails trimmed and be sure that the nails are not growing into the skin of the nail bed and becoming ingrown.

Don’t Ignore Foot Symptoms

Pain, numbness, burning, swelling, bruising and tenderness in your feet are all your body’s way of telling you there’s a problem. Putting off seeking treatment can often lead to a worsening of the condition and even the development of secondary disorders. If you are concerned about an issue with your toes, feet or ankle, contact us.  At Park 56 Podiatry, our podiatrists Jonathan Levy, DPM and Nadia Levy, DPM, will diagnose and treat your foot problems promptly. Call our office at 212-980-6487 or make an appointment today using our online appointment request form at our office conveniently located in Midtown East, Manhattan.