Weight Gain and Foot Pain

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Did you know additional weight can lead to foot, heel, or ankle pain? With each step we take, our feet have a big job. Help them perform at their best by maintaining a healthy weight. In addition to a regular diet, choosing foods wisely is one way to win at the scales. March is National Nutrition Month, and the doctors at The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine share three ways an unbalanced diet can cause discomfort:

Plantar fasciitis

With additional weight, patients are at a greater risk of developing plantar fasciitis or heel pain. More weight adds pressure to the plantar fascia ligament. It is especially true if you have sudden weight gain.

Swollen feet

Adding salt to your food may satisfy your taste buds, but it could also cause swelling. Ingesting sodium impacts how much our bodies retain water. This swelling can occur in our feet and ankles. Put the saltshaker to the side during your next meal.

Flat feet

Did you know your arches support your body weight? With additional weight, patients can develop flat feet or fallen arches. While flat feet aren’t painful for everyone, they can cause discomfort. Schedule an appointment with your podiatrist to learn more about ways to find comfort, including custom orthotics.

Challenge yourself to set a different kind of table this year. During National Nutrition Month, commit to filling your plate with foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight. At The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine, Dr. Jonathan Levy, Dr. Nadia Levy, Dr. Diane Castro, Dr. Josef Geldwert, Dr. Katherine Lai, and Dr. Vera Malezhik treat various conditions such as sports injuries, ankle pain, diabetic wounds, heel pain, ingrown toenails, plantar warts, and neuromas. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we offer cutting-edge care for patients in Midtown East and Manhattan. Contact our office at (212) 980-6487. Our office is at 120 E 56th Street, Suite 1150, New York, NY 10022. We continue to offer telemedicine appointments.