Simple Exercises for Preventing Plantar Fasciitis

Have you ever experienced pain in your heels or the arches of your feet? Chances are you may be suffering from a condition known as plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the tissue (plantar fascia) that runs under your feet and connects your toes with the heel. Reasons that may cause this inflammation include wear and tear due to sports activities, constant pressure, sudden impact, and stress.

Here are a few exercises that can strengthen your muscles and safeguard your plantar fascia:

  1. Stretch your arches: you can sit with one leg over the other and gently pull your toes towards your shin to feel a stretch under your foot. Another way is to place a stretching band under your feet, pull your feet towards yourself, and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Release and then repeat the routine.

  2. Roll a ball: while sitting on a chair, place a ball or any round object under your feet and rotate it to loosen up any tight muscles under your feet and toes.

  3. Ease your calves: place one leg forward and extend the other towards the back while you lean your hands against the wall. Bend the forward leg slightly and feel the stretch in the calf of the leg at the back. Repeat a few times, and then switch legs.

  4. Stretching your toes: Wrapping your toes with an elastic band, stretching them apart, and closing them is also an effective exercise to build muscle strength.

If you feel pain in your feet or are unsure about the cause of your discomfort, the doctors here at The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine urge you to visit your podiatrist right away.

At The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine, Dr. Jonathan Levy, Dr. Nadia Levy, Dr. Diane Castro, Dr. Josef Geldwert, Dr. Katherine Lai, and Dr. Vera Malezhik treat various conditions. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we offer cutting-edge care for patients in Midtown East and Manhattan. Contact our office at (212) 980-6487. Our office is at 120 E 56th Street, Suite 1150, New York, NY 10022. We continue to offer telemedicine appointments.