Say Goodbye to Stubborn Warts and Skin Lesions with SWIFT Microwave Therapy

Persistent warts and unsightly skin lesions can be an absolute confidence zapper. At The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine, we know that aesthetic troubles can sometimes exacerbate the toll of average aches and pains. Add in the fact that plantar warts can recur despite remedies, and the picture only becomes more dismal.

However, we’re no strangers to high-tech treatments for stubborn podiatric problems! When it comes to warts and lesions, we’re proud to offer a cutting-edge solution: SWIFT Microwave Therapy. Ditch the creams and scrapers; let's delve into the benefits of this innovative treatment.

What is SWIFT and How Does it Work?

  • SWIFT, or Stimulated Waveform In Vivo Treatment, is a revolutionary tool in the podiatrist’s kit.

  • It utilizes low-dose microwave energy delivered through a specialized probe to gently target and eliminate warts and skin lesions.

  • Imagine it as a targeted heat bath for the offending tissue, stimulating your body's natural healing response.

Why Choose SWIFT? Buckle Up for Benefits:

  • Effective: Boasting success rates exceeding 80% for plantar warts, SWIFT stands tall against traditional treatments.

  • Painless: No needles, no lasers, just a warm sensation - SWIFT is a breeze compared to other wart removal methods.

  • Minimal Side Effects: Unlike cryotherapy or burning treatments, SWIFT leaves minimal to no scarring or discoloration.

  • Fast and Convenient: Each session takes just minutes, with a typical treatment course requiring only 3-4 sessions spaced four weeks apart.

  • No Disruption to Your Day: No bandages, no downtime - get treated and get back to your life.

  • Targets the Root Cause: SWIFT doesn't just zap the wart's surface; it stimulates your immune system to tackle the HPV virus responsible, reducing the risk of recurrence.

  • Versatility: Beyond plantar warts, SWIFT can treat a variety of skin lesions and even precancerous growths.

There’s no one solution for all the foot and ankle problems we treat. Still, SWIFT is shaping up to be a potent, powerful option in our array of advanced care methods. Dr. Jonathan M. Levy, Dr. Nadia F. Levy, Dr. Diane M. Castro, Dr. Josef Geldwert, and Dr. Katherine Lai look forward to assisting you at our convenient mid-town Manhattan or Upper East Side locations. To schedule your appointment, contact us today.